Prophetic Teaching & Prophecy
June 28, 2021.
Discovering Christ in Ephesians,
We saw from our last discussion that we are to submit to one another as a reflection of our fear of God.
Then we hear the apostle continue;
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Ephesians 5:22
A very powerful exhortation as it becomes a daughter of Sarah. The wife is to submit to the husband as unto the Lord. That is, as the Lord has commanded or as though in the sight of the Lord.
Not that the authority of the husband is equal to Christ, but a woman cannot be in disobedience to the husband and at the same time giving honour to God.
This does not encompass yielding to the will of the husband when it contradicts scripture, however a pious and intelligent husband is to be honoured as though in the sight of God.
God has given the husband absolute authority over all things to the wife except in matters of conscience and religion.
The wife is to think well of her husband, she is to think becomingly of him. She is to take care of the family according to her husband’s will. For the husband has:
- Authority over the home as the head of the family, he is to direct the family on expenses, the manner of living, the clothing, and every other necessity needed for a proper home.
- In regards to laws in the house, the husband is to regulate all laws. He is to decide what manner of life the children are to live in the home, he is to decide the schools they are to attend, what friends the children are to keep and so on.
- In matters of business, it must be left to the disposal of the husband to decide business matters. The wife can seek his consent, and can contribute, however, the husband holds the authority for the final word.
- Except in matters of conscience and religion, the husband is the head of the home in all things.
In matters of religion, the husband has no right to ask the wife to assist in deception, visit places of amusement that her conscience does not agree to. He is not to interfere with her genuine Christian duties, not duties of capriccio, but genuine duties.
He is not to forbid her from going to church at the proper usual time. He is not to stop her from leading her children to the Lord or from proper exercise of her religious beliefs in the home.
A woman is to obey God rather than man (Acts 4:12), where the husband’s will interferes with God’s will, he has overstepped his boundaries and his will is no longer binding on the wife.
Then we hear the apostle continue;
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Ephesians 5:23
If a woman desires to know what it means by the husband is my head, a spiritual picture is given here which is the headship of Christ over his church.
The manner to which the Lord heads his church is an example of how the husband is to head his home. The Body of Christ is submissive to him in all things, even so it is with the wife and husband.
As the church looks up to the Lord for his will to be done in all things, even so the wife is to be submissive to her husband in all things.
Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Ephesians 5:24
Blessed Father I give you praise for making me a virtuous woman, a woman of dignity and honour, a daughter of Sarah.
By the spirit of the Lord I leave in absolute humility and submission to my husband as the head of my home. I reject nagging and complaining. I refuse to usurp authority but by the Holy Ghost I allow my husband’s will to reign in my home over all things.
I receive the grace to help him in all things, I stand in the gap to pray for him and my entire household always in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prophetic Insight
In an encounter with the Lord, I heard:
“My beloved, look to your father Abraham and learn my ways. When I made a promise to him, he sought to bring it to pass by his ability, but all his efforts ended up leading to bondage.
Even now, I have purposed, promised and blessed you, this I will fulfil by my Spirit and not by your efforts. Quit trying to bring forth the promise, at the set time I will do it independent of your efforts.
You are a child of promise and not a slave child. The promise will come from the Spirit, and not as a result of your works. Labour to rest in the confidence that what I have promised I am able to bring it to pass”
Gifts Of Healings: Live Healing Service With Pastor Jahfas
God has spoken to me, even as he has done to many in the Body of Christ that it’s time his power be demonstrated to a hurting world, not just in our local church. God wants his love to be shared tangibly to his people where they are set free from the works of the enemy.
Every Friday 6:00pm (GTM +1) in Gifts Of Healings: Live Healing Service, I will be praying live for the sick and oppressed all around the world. God’s power will be sent to living rooms, offices, anywhere you may be watching, God has a healing gift for you.
To register for free, log on to: Living Hill TV
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Jahfas Victor Ahua
Living Hill Christian Church