Royal Life
Daily Devotional & Prophecy
January 5, 2021.

Discovering Christ in Ephesians
We saw from our last discussion, that the grace to unveil scriptures is a divine gift, which God gives and energises in the heart of men to help them demystify scriptures.
This was a gift Paul had, which he engaged in the interpretation of the unsearchable riches of Christ to the Gentiles.
Then we hear the Apostle continue;
And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: Ephesians 3:9
“And to make all men see” a statement suggesting that, the natural state of man is in darkness, until the light of the Gospel of Christ shines in our hearts, then we become participators of the glorious gospel of God.
It is a declaration that, it is the intent of God that the discoveries of the gospel be made known to all men, regardless of their condition, for salvation has become a free gift for all.
God has nothing hidden he wants not to be unveiled to common men. The gospel of Christ has no reserved doctrines. There are no truths reserved for some kind of sacred priesthoods. All those ideas are man-made doctrines.
God wants all men to see the fellowship of the mystery, he desires all believers to become partakers, or participators of these truths.
“The fellowship of the mystery” above speaks of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
Paul received the gift to make all men see, Jew and Gentile, this inestimable mystery and to have communion with this unsearchable riches of Christ “which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God”
The word “hid in God” suggests the preciousness, the invaluable blessed nature of the gospel. It is a treasure that was hid in God for his beloved sons.
O the sovereignty of God. This mystery of salvation by grace was hidden from the old testament saints, and even from the angels. The shocking truth is that, it was hidden from the Gentiles who for thousands of years knew not God, and were living without God. For thousands of years, they would live, die and go to hell.
What a privilege for us to be accepted today in Christ. God has never been under any obligation to give unto us salvation. To be born at such a time as this, to be born under this gospel dispensation, where the grace of God has been extended to all men, is the highest privilege that has ever existed.
To walk away, to turn a blind eye , to tread underfoot this precious grace of God, would be the biggest mistake any man would ever make! To reject God’s love by refusing to accept his son, is to accept his wrath and eternal damnation. This would be blunt malady!
Today, this grace has appeared to all men, and we will not reject him.
Then we hear “who created all things by Christ Jesus”
God created all things by The Word. Reality was produced by The Word, wherefore, reality cannot exist, function nor bear fruit outside of God’s word.
You want reality? You must go for the word, sow it into your heart, and speak it out into your situation, for out of the heart men bring forth good things.
A life void of the word is a life void of divine reality. A life void of divine fruitfulness. But a life full of the word is a life full of God and divine realities.
Then we hear the apostle continue;
To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, Ephesians 3:10
What a declaration; nothing took God by surprise, for he is truly the all knowing God. The fall of man was never a shock to God, God did not react, for in his hidden counsel, the lamb was slain from the foundation of the world.
God prepared a package “To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God”
A lot of Christians have asked and continue to ask; if God knew that Adam was going to fall, why did he still create him? Why did he not make a different plan for Adam?
You see, Christians and a lot of people have made the mistake of thinking God created us for ourselves. Because of this wrong belief, whatever is not comfortable with our way of thinking, we often feel should not be allowed by God.
But when we think thus, we are far from the truth. God created all things for himself. God made all things for the manifestation of his attributes, even his excellencies.
The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. Proverbs 16:4
Observe it says “even the wicked”
There are these attributes of God as merciful, gracious, kind, loving, Severity, and many more. Most especially, grace, this cannot be seen by God’s creation except there is a falling short, except there is a weakness there can be no manifestation of divine grace.
How can God’s creation see his grace without man falling? How can God show his attribute of mercy without someone breaking his law?
Wherefore, everything was done;
That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:7
Thus, God intending to make known to his creation his multifaceted wisdom, allowed the fall, that in Christ Jesus, men should see his mercy, kindness and ultimately his love and grace!
The will of God for the Church today is to demonstrate, to preach to all creature, holy and evil angels, the multifaceted wisdom of God. This is the mystery of the gospel.
The intention has never been about you, so stop struggling and rest in the love and grace of the father. The intention is to make manifest his wisdom in loving the wretched as you and I in the grace of our lord Christ Jesus.
Father, I thank you for this invaluable love and grace. By your wisdom, I am accepted in Christ, holy and blameless.
Today, my life is a declaration to all principalities and powers, that you are a gracious God. Loving and merciful. I am your vessel of mercy, even the vessel of the manifestation of your beauties.
I am the glory of God in Christ Jesus. As He is, so Am I in this world. Full of wisdom, power ,love , joy, peace. I am divinely wired for the transformation of this generation. Glory to Jesus!
In an encounter with the Lord, I saw someone buried in a grave, It was as though this one was written off as dead and buried.
But I saw divine light hit on this person and the entire being was transformed and renewed, brightly emanating the glory of resurrection life as he rose and went about life.
Then the Lord said “This is for many of my sons who have felt forsaken and completely laid aside. I am opening your graves and bringing you out of the dead situations in your life.
This is not the end, I have not forsaken you, by my Spirit I AM breathing resurrection life into your situation. Do not fear, for you shall rise and reflect the glory of your God”
Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves, And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD. Ezekiel 37:12-14
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Jahfas Victor Ahua
Living Hill Christian Church