Prophetic Teaching & Prophecy
May 31, 2021.
Discovering Christ In Ephesians
We saw from our last discussion that we are trees of righteousness and our fruit is consisted in all kinds of goodness, righteousness and truth. We are made manifest through the fruit of light.
Then we hear the apostle continue;
Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. Ephesians 5:14
This exhortation is not directed to unregenerate men as though men have the capacity to rise from spiritual death themselves, however, this is made to men who are regenerated.
Why do I say this? Observe the word “wherefore” used upon the forgoing discourse and citation. In context he has being addressing believers whom he calls light in the Lord (Ephesians 5:8).
Now you may ask, pastor, can a Christian be raised from the dead again after they have risen with Christ?
Intelligent question, you see, death has manifold forms, and in context the apostle has being admonishing the believer to be spiritually minded, walking in all goodness, righteousness and truth, hence those that do otherwise are carnally minded which is to walk in death.
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6
Observe carefully that it does say to be carnally minded tends to death or leads to death but to “be carnally minded is death” itself.
So this is the death Christ seeks to revive the believer who is asleep from. The death of ignorance, pride, hardheartedness , strife, unforgiveness, bitterness, prayerlessness, passivity towards spiritual things, and every other unfruitful work of darkness.
If we are down in any unfruitful work, we are to arise, for our light has come. From the strength of God resident in our spirit, we are to arise, for our light has come and the glory of God is now risen upon us in Christ (Isaiah 60:1).
Then we hear;
See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Ephesians 5:15
The Greek word used above for circumspectly is the word akribōs meaning exactly ( Strong’s G199).
It means to walk precisely, diligently and intelligently. Light has come and the Lord is ready to manifest light unto our path as we follow after him, walking diligently and “not as fools, but as wise.”
There is great evil in walking in foolishness, we hear;
The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city. Ecclesiastes 10:15
The foolish and unwise do not walk in the light of God’s word so they can never get to the city. How to get to the city is reserved for those that follow the will of God. The city could be God’s purpose for you in health, finances, marriage, career or ministry.
It is unwise for us to wallow long in foolishness not knowing or following God’s will, for we hear;
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:16
There is no time, we are to buy back the wasted years with every opportunity in front of us, for we live in evil days, and what lies ahead if we do not walk wisely now in God’s counsel, is doom.
So the apostle says;
Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:17
They are many who don’t know for sure God’s will for their lives,— that’s not wisdom beloved. And they are many who know but are relaxed, not pursing it, thinking there is ample time, however, that’s not scriptural and not inspired by God.
How can you be relaxed and waiting when the word of God says the days are already evil? we are to redeem every second.
I have a personal biblical perception of a solid Christian; show me a Christian who knows God’s will for their lives, who is pursuing it and I will show you an uncompromising Christian.
However, show me a Christian who doesn’t know God’s will or who isn’t pursuing God’s will and I will show you a Christian who can easily compromise at any given opportunity (Colossians 1:9-10).
When we walk in all manner of unfruitful works it is because we are often ignorant of God’s best plans for us. I have seen where God desires me to be in life and I am ready to die pursuing it.
I am ready to give away whatsoever will be a hindrance on my way to experiencing the glorious will of God upon my life being fulfilled.
Not because God will curse me if i do, but because I have seen my unmatched inheritance in the will of God, and nothing compares to it (Ephesians 1:18-20).
This is why we are not to be unwise, but “understanding what the will of the Lord is.”
Beloved, you desire to walk in great wisdom?
You desire to see a fulfilled life?
You desire all things to work together for your good?
Then you must understand the will of God for you and begin to walk circumspectly in it, for all things only work together for the good of those that will love the Lord so much as to abandon their lives for his purpose for them in the redemptive plan of the chosen.
I am the glory of Christ, a partaker of the unsearchable riches of Christ. I am an heir of God and joint—heirs with Christ. I have an inheritance in God, therefore, I refuse to be fooled by the intangible promises of worldly pleasures.
Father, by your Spirit, I submit my life to you, where I have been asleep, wake me up out of spiritual slumber. Let your light shine upon my heart, open my eyes to see my purpose in you, for therein lies my inheritance.
I refuse to loose time, I am the wisdom of God in Christ, therefore I reject the foolishness of labouring without knowing how to get to the city.
I walk circumspectly, diligently, wisely in God’s counsel over my life, and in this place, all things are working together for my good.
Prophetic Insight
In an encounter of the Lord, I heard the Lord say “I am The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the ending, I began this good work in you, and my last word to you is this, I am The end of the journey and not your circumstance. What you fear cannot stop what I am doing in your life.
I have never asked help of any one before, so do not think I am asking you to help me out, but I say to you child, rest in my love, for I am the one doing all my pleasure upon your life.
I have spoken my word over you and that is the end. My counsel stands, what I have said, I will also bring to pass. Walk fearlessly, for as I have purposed The blessing, I am also doing it, I am bringing every promise to pass in your life.”
Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it. Isaiah 46:10-11
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Jahfas Victor Ahua
Living Hill Christian Church.